
Friday, October 18, 2013

Kids Clothes Week: This is the Plan

I've never officially participated in KCW before. Just sort of happened to make something that week and decided to count it. This time I'm going in with a plan.

Mack doesn't need clothes. Seriously, between what I've made for him and all the hand-me-downs from my cousin Dennis, he has more clothes than I do. And the unfinished plaid shirt from the plaid week of Project Run & Play is still too fresh for me to be ready to tackle again.

Which leaves me with a big, "Who to sew for?"

And the answer, MY NIECES! I have four nieces planning to make appearances in December (don't even get me started on how weird it is that me, my best friend, and two of my sisters-in-law are all due within 2 weeks!) who are going to need something cute from me. So I'm planning to get the bulk of my baby gift sewing done.

For Piper:
Olivia and Oliver Pea Coat
- Infant Peasant Dress (This little beauty is already cut out, and I already spent time on an embroidery detail, but has yet to be sewn)

For Georgianna:
- Infant Peasant Dress
- {tiny} tumble tee

For Lily & Emma:
- Sally Dresses

I'm planning to tackle the projects in that order, but I'm really hoping to get down to those Sally Dresses. The pattern is darling, and I was lucky enough to win a copy!

If by some miracle I get all 6 of those projects done, I'll make a little something for my own new baby, who has all of Mack's hand-me-downs, but is in need of jackets. There's a bit of a wardrobe difference between a December baby and a June baby.

Now to get going on cutting out those patterns!


  1. wow... your little one is almost here! So exciting! I don't make palns for KCW either... maybe I should! =D but G. has got soooooooo many clothes already too.

    1. I feel like I actually might get some sewing done after making this plan. That and the fact that Nathan will be working late every night this week. :) No husband definitely means more time to sew!


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