
Tuesday, September 3, 2013

FrancesSuzanne: Admitted Project Run and Play Junkies

When Maegen invited us to participate in her series, it wasn't IF we'd participate, it was how would we ever agree on our favorite project run and play creation!
We admit it. We are Project Run and Play junkies. We can't get enough of the sew-along and the many, many friendships that have originated there. It drives us, it challenges us, and it inspires us to attempt things we never dreamed we could accomplish! We have participated in three seasons (4, 5, and 6) of sew-alongs, as well as the All-Star Season sew-along. Season 4 was our first season to participate, and we were blogless. What we lacked in tech-know-how and sewing skills, we made up for in utter excitement!
Did we mention that we are indecisive? No? Well, we are. But, you'll be pleased to know that we did make a decision....eventually. But only after polling our 'biggest fans': ie: our parents and sister {aka: sister momma to the our nieces}. And, even then, we cheated and decided on a favorite for each girl - instead of a singular one. 
But before we get to OUR favorites, here is a run-down of the family's favorites {and, yes, there were a few repeats along the way}:
Dad {because he loves to be a part of sharing his favorites, and does it every month with "Father's Fantastic Five" in our "Flip this Pattern" series}:
Mom {with a little arm-twisting she succumbed to giving us her favorites}:
3. All About the Details, all-star season {EA}
2. White Sheet, season 5 {CL}
1. Formal Wear, all-star season {CL}

Sister Momma {seriously...she is almost as indecisive as we are}:
As for our TOP OUTFIT for each niece???
Okay. We don't typically sew for specific holidays of the year. We sew too slowly to justify doing something that specific. Not to mention it was for Valentine's Day, and the only thing we like about this holiday is the chocolate and conversation hearts! So, how could we make this work for more than a few weeks of the year? By continuing to focus on LOVE, but do it with the Bible as our foundation. 
And, as for the final product....we were in love! Not only were we able to tie in a Biblical principle within a PR&P challenge, we were also able to incorporate the 'in the air' portion of it.....using embroidered dandelions with hearts blowing in the wind.  That, and it can be worn any day of the year. Success.
For EA: White Sheet Challenge, season 5 {Ring Around the Roses}
If we are willing to sew a creation twice, then we must be pretty excited about it! This was the case with our "white sheet challenge" and the dyeing of fabric for it. The white sheet challenge itself continues to be a personal favorite (I think we are down to the pillowcases). 
While we didn't alter the Oliver and S Family Reunion pattern much {added piping, colored hemline, and embroidery}, we were tickled with the result, as well as the photo op!
What about you do you have a personal favorite that you have sewn for Project Run and Play? And for those of you who don't want to play favorites with your creations {or maybe you've never participated before}. . .which challenge are you most excited about in the upcoming season?


  1. I love EVERYTHING Ashley and Emily make!!! Especially when it comes to their hand embroidery! My favorite (and I think I've mentioned to them several times) is the Little Bo Peep! I want another baby just so I can try to recreate that dress on my own! LOL!

  2. These are probably my two favorites of yours as well. The simplicity of the silhouette mixed with all that intricate detail is just gorgeous. Great picks ladies! I can't wait to see what you come up with this "season."

  3. What I like most about these ladies is how much time they put into their creations. Congratulations ladies, your All About the Details dress will always be THE clever idea ever.


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